rvm windows

Unlike on UNIX based systems, installing and configuring RVM on a Windows machine properly in order to be able to use the new possibilities in Drupal's Omega 4 theme could become a difficult task. But running that process through the cygwin environmen

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Ruby是一種為了物件導向而創的簡單快捷的腳本語。它擁有簡單易懂,方便好學的特性,能減少程式設計時候的不必要的瑣碎時間。Ruby語言通常非常直觀,會按照設計者希望的運行方式來執行。 擁有簡單易懂,方便好學的特性。 ...

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  • 最近的项目有新有旧,而我们采用的ruby语言已经到了1.9.2的版本了,可与之想配的rails版本则到了3.2.6。但一边维护旧项目,一边又写新项目,这两个版本的切换可就累死我了。...
    在windows下实在ruby rvm功能。_淡定天涯博客_新浪博客
  • According to the RVM Website Install Page, you can use it on Windows with Cygwin or Bash o...
    Can I use Ruby Version Manager (rvm) on Windows? - Quora ...
  • Download Ruby Here you can get the latest Ruby distributions in your favorite flavor. The ...
    Download Ruby
  • Since 2012, maintain and update Pik to keep up with changes associated with RubyInstaller ...
    GitHub - vertiginous/pik: Ruby version manager for Windows
  • Unlike on UNIX based systems, installing and configuring RVM on a Windows machine properly...
    Install and run RVM with bundler on Windows (Drupal Omega 4 ...
  • If you would like to manage multiple versions of ruby on windows please use pik which is a...
    Install gems as root? - RVM: Ruby Version Manager -
  • Installing RVM on Bash Linux Windows 10. Web Technology Tutorials with Nerd Spider. Loadin...
    Installing RVM on Bash Linux Windows 10 - YouTube
  • 2016年1月23日 - It's no secret that it's difficult to work with Ruby on Windows, but...
    Installing RVM on Windows 10 | emkaydeum
  • 2016年11月29日 - The following instructions in https://rvm.io/integration/gnome-terminal doe...
    Integrating RVM with Bash on Ubuntu on Windows 10 · Issue #3830 ...
  • 2012年1月13日 - No RVM for you! From RVM's FAQ: Does RVM work on windows? Will it in the...
    ruby - How to install RVM on Windows 7 - Stack Overflow
  • How do I install RVM on Windows 7? It says to install RVM, and use the following script: u...
    ruby - How to install RVM on Windows 7 - Stack Overflow ...
  • Ruby Version Manager (RVM) RVM is a command-line tool which allows you to easily install, ...
    Ruby Version Manager - Official Site
  • RVM supports most UNIX like systems and Windows (with Cygwin or Bash on Ubuntu on Windows)...
    RVM: Ruby Version Manager - Installing RVM
  • RVM是不是真的没法在windows 下安装? avatasia · 2012-02-13 09:48:59 +08:00 · 5521 次点击 这是一个创建于 2040 天前的主...
    RVM是不是真的没法在windows下安装? - V2EX
  • 2016年8月3日 - Cygwin is a terminal emulator for Windows that gives it the abilities of Linu...
    Setting up RVM with Cygwin - vaporsoft
  • Setup Ruby On Rails on Windows 10 A guide to setting up a Ruby on Rails development enviro...
    Setup Ruby On Rails on Windows 10 - GoRails
  • Ubuntu on Windows runs Bash as a non-login shell, therefore skipping /etc/profile* and exe...
    Using RVM in bash for Ubuntu on Windows
  • 最近的项目有新有旧,而我们采用的ruby语言已经到了1.9.2的版本了,可与之想配的rails版本则到了3.2.6。但一边维护旧项目,一边又写新项目,这两个版本的切换可就累死我了。...
    在windows下实在ruby rvm功能。_淡定天涯博客_新浪博客
  • According to the RVM Website Install Page, you can use it on Windows with Cygwin or Bash o...
    Can I use Ruby Version Manager (rvm) on Windows? - Quora ...